Hunting Truth in Dreams
he is telling a lie.
These are our words when we suspect someone whom we don't know personally.
Even most of the time we ourselves tell a lie to our family members whom we love the most.
But why,even if we want that we should speak true only then as well our tongue slips because it has become habitual of speaking lie whenever it sees any danger to respect . But wait!
It is not actually the tongue ,it is our brain that forces the tongue to speak what we think to be spoken whether it is true or fake.
Everyone in his life speak both truth as well as lie due to some conditions but sticking to that lie habit is bad because as it is rightly said that "one day truth will overpower the fake" and it happens.
So let's understand the consequences if everyone starts speaking truth only.(surprising isn't it?)
1. It will be sound as relief when people came to know that everyone is going to speak truth only but initially it will be hard for everyone also because we all are habitual of speaking false and spreading fake news.
As soon as we all starts speaking truth ,problems will generate rapidly all over the world. Yes because for the people who have already told lie to their bosses ,teachers, parents ,friends may punish them or in any case of big crime ,individuals may go to jail as well.
2. Police or security forces will be easily able to catch the criminals as criminals themselves firmly accept their crime.
3. People who have lost their items or was stolen by someone may get it back.
4. Teens or youths who want to do study will choose their subject as per their choices as they will strongly tell to their parents what they like and what they want to become instead of being pissed by the choices of their parents for making them either Doctor or engineer.
5. The above condition will generate creativity amongst the youths and teens as they will do and use their mind in what they like . Gradually it will enhance the skills and jobs .
6. The increasing demand of skills and jobs will be filled by skillful people which will directly increase the workout and output of the industry in which they are working.
7. The increasing output of thousands of industries will have its effect on economy.
8. The increased economy will change the conditions of poor people as well .
9. There will be no corruption as what the leaders are doing must to be told to the citizens or if citizens find the leader to be useless ,they will choose some other one as the during the campaigns they have to tell the truth what they will do after becoming the leader.
It will make the process of selecting leaders easy.
10. The pending lakhs of cases in courts will be solved over a short period of time and no new cases will be registered as parties tell the truth to each other and the cases will be solved.
Here now we should also not forget some adverse effects :-
1. Companies which were making high profits by speaking lie to their customers will come close to get shut down.
2. People may have fights with each other after coming to know the truth and violence may spread at a large level.
3. Patients who are of the disorder, like who are alive only because of lies told to them, will die.
4. As everyone will start speaking truth, people will start hating each other due to jealousy.
So these were some of the conditions which will arise if everybody on this planet starts speaking truth only.
What do you think ?,what will happen ?
Do Write below your opinion in comment section. Let's see, you speak truth or just facade .