The Dynamic Brain. Exploring Brain Plasticity to cure Brain and Body
You ever felt or came across someone who is mentally weak, suffering from mental exhaustion, brain tumour or he had a brain hemorrhage ever in his life. The point here i like informing you is that, all these ailments and dilemma of being the segregated can be solved but you must know the process well.
It becomes easy to understand if you know the background instead directly jumping for the conclusion.
Main Causes of Brain Problems
In this fast growing world, we seldom see and think about our brain. Right !
The brain on the other hand take care of us in all the conditions and situations but it is our carelessness that mitigate our attention towards our one of the most powerful and useful organ in our body-The brain.
We are so much engaged in facebook, instagram ,whatsapp and youtube that we feel ,we are using so much of our brain. But the sad reality has another perspective.
“ Social media has decreased our attention by 2 folds since last decade and this graph is dipping until 2022”
Social and economic factors also have their share in scenarios of mental stigma. The constant debt. pressure from bank or relative , domestic fights in the house hold, the malnutrition or the genetics factor, all of them , one or the other way , makes you worry and ill overall , causing you brain to fight depression.
The choking pollution of air and water besides effecting your skin,lungs,liver,eyes also takes toll on your overall health including the brain.
Last but not the least, sitting idle , most of the day or doing something which has less to do with your brain . Meaning, if you don’t exercise your brain, upto some standard(like you do for you body, go for jogging or to gym). You will find ,your brain start getting slow down and later in the traps of multi organ problems.
Surprised !
It is true indeed.
Our brain has muscles too and they need regular exercise and enough oxygen to function to the fullest. Someone sitting in front of computer or studying 10-15 hours a day for consecutive 1o days, loses 11% of muscle mass . Same happens with our brain.
Our brain is the main powerhouse as well as the coordinator of all the actions we take physically. Some voluntarily, others non-voluntarily.
It is the brain that takes care of our heartbeat, our breathing mechanism ,immune system, hormone glands etc. without letting us know that they are happening inside the same body you think it is yours.
Brain Understanding
Mr. Norman Doidge(M.D.) in his book ”The brain that changes itself “ wrote that
“Our brain is a complex and ever evolving machine”
He meant to say that , our brain never stops changing its neuronal paths and synaptic
connections. Mr. Norman is a psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and lives in Toronto. His greatest discovery about human brain was brain plasticity.
It wouldn’t be wrong if I tell you to throw away the concept of learning beyond a certain age . Normally, it is said, learning anything is easiest and fastest during teenage years but the scientists exploring brain science explained
“Though learning something new is pretty easy during childhood , but there is no restriction on the brain beyond childhood.”
Brain understanding and then using it the right way, has much to do with cure of brain hemorrage, brain dementia or any other brain ailment because as I had briefed you earlier that brain is a complex machine so does its mechanism.
Before heading for the treatment , we must know also what happens in the brain when someone goes through brain hemorrhage, dementia or brain tumour.
Brain Hemorrhage
It is a kind of stroke caused by bursting of an artery in the brain and bleeding in the surrounding region of brain cells. It further escalates into killing of cells due to unavailability of oxygen.
Brain hemorrhage can be life threatening and there can be multiple consequences if a person survives it. Sometimes, in rare chances , it is also possible that the person doesn’t get to know as he gets up in the morning that he had a brain hemorrhage during night while he was asleep.
Serious consequences after Brain hemorrhage includes
Severe headache
Vision problem
Speaking problem
Motor skill problem
Reading & writing problem
Loss of Coordination
Loss of Balance
If you look carefully at the consequences, one thing would surely come to your mind that bleeding in the brain has implications on various parts of the body including movement ,vision, reading and writing.
Going through the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) of a brain hemorrhaged person, one can easily see the dark spots which refers to the dead nerve cells. Once cells are dead, they no longer consume oxygen and the synaptic connections through them stops.
“No connection ,No communication”
Does that mean, No solution?
The Good news is , there is a solution.
But before I tell you dig deeper into it. Let me also tell you about dementia which is connected to brain and many of them are unaware that they are actually suffering from it.
If I ask you to recollect, what you ate last night? Or what is the name of the main character of your favourite novel? You may or may not remember it. Right!
“Dementia is such a common problem, every 2 out of 5 individuals report about it”
Dementia is not a disease first of all, it is the general inability of the brain to remember, recollect,think or make decisions of the day to day activities.
Where did I left my Credit card?
There can be numerous similar doubts and questions that used to arise in your head and they are not only doubts but are the symptoms of you having dementia of brain.
Don’t worry, it is not a disease , and it won’t kill you either but the genuine point is , would you like to be a person having dementia for whole of your life & finding forgotten files at the edge of the minute or rushing to catch the bus, because you picked the wrong one earlier.
Whether it is dementia, brain hemorrhage or any brain problem , you feel, is affecting you life.
I have got a solution for you.
The solution is not giving you some hefty medicine or telling you to go to some medical practitioner. The solution is identifying and unlocking the real gem within if you understand Brain Mapping Theory.
Brain Mapping theory
I came across brain mapping, when one of the scientists involved in brain science modern techniques research, visited our college and gave a lecture about brain mapping. He even showed us the brain magical capacity to receive and store information through a teenage boy, probably 16-17 years old.
It was the live example , we all were witnessing and al we could say was “Awesome”.
Brain mapping is a modern technique which maps the brain with highly sophisticated machines and gives the end result of identifying certain weak areas. (Like those dark spot areas of brain hemorrhage person)
Brain mapping theory got its birth from a leading doctor and scientist Paul Bach-y Rita. He over the years researched and found out that our brain has certain brain maps for certain kind of activity we do. And these maps follow a rigid principle of
“Use it or lose it”.
According to Paul Bach-y Rita, there are maps in the brain which are dedicated for a particular part of the body. And these maps , are responsible for even the minute of moment of that body part. Some brain maps are bigger, others small and few just are forming.
For example- “You want to move your index finger , your brain will fire a signal to move that index finger. The index finger moved.” but what more accurate understanding is , the signal comes from that brain map which is dedicated for this index finger.
Now, keep aside the junior school chapter theory that our brain is divided into 3 parts .
As I said, our brain is the most complex system of this universe. There are billions of nerve cells , and trillions of synaptic connections.
The number of brain maps in an individual varies. The more kind of things , a person does or the more new things he learns, there is ever forming and merging of these brain maps.
The more you do a particular activity, the more differentiated that brain map becomes and enlarges.
Use it or lose it principle
Rightly said, “The more we practise something , the sharper we become”.
Brain maps have a continuous competition going on between them.
Example-You write daily with pen and rarely type on keyboard then your brain map regulating writing would be larger and efficient than the one involved in typing. And if these two are located adjacently , the former one would overlap the latter over time.
Like , you find it hard , when you try doing something you knew, after a long time. This is all , what the basic understanding of brain looks like.
This brain understanding is helpful for anyone , whether a school going boy or the owner of multinational company. We all are dependent on our brain for everything we do daily. So taking care of it becomes out top most priority.
After making you aware about this all, I would like to take you to the cure of Brain Hemorrhage and brain dementia.
Cure of Dementia and Brain Hemmorhage
Now, since you have understood about what the dementia and brain hemmorhage is, and also how to identify them. Also, after making you understand the brain mapping theory, It becomes easy for me to tell the cure of brain dementia and brain hemmorhage.
“There are always two ways to find solution to any problem. First ,is to solve the problem. Second, is to neglect the problem, understanding like it doesn’t exist.”
We would absolutely go with the first choice. After understanding that there is certain weakness in the brain after brain hemmorhage or without any problem but you feel like , your brain is not giving you what you want from it.
10 Steps to Cure and Treatment:-
Identify brain weakness
Target weak areas
Exercise to pump blood
Eat healthy
Go social
Write Diary or blog
Play mental Games
Eat Laughter medicine
Go slow, but continuous
Motivation beat defeat
Try to focus on weak activity while you do it. Put in your 100 % attention when you are placing your key in drawer or taking turns on the road. Only, increasing attention would minimize the faults. Taking care each time ,you do it, you will finally create a new brain map which will become efficient over time.
No matter how hard you push the barrier , if you don't give the requisite nutrition to brain cells. They would ultimately suffer. We rarely think of our brain cells and mostly worried about building our biceps and six packs. But the major source of energy is not the biceps you carry but the strength of your quick made decisions.
It is suprising but it is the fact.
"The human brain consumes 60% of the overall energy in human body."
5.Go social
Connecting often with people from our surroundings gives an easy available method to exercise our brain. When we meet our friends ,relatives or unknown person. There is release of certain hormones which lifts up our mood.
You listen and understand and also form words in brain to speak. In this way, you are generally keeping your brain active and new synaptic connections are formed. As you listen you auditory nerves sharpens and attention level increases. You listen and your brain stores the data for understanding process. So brain memory map also becomes active.
"There are people in this world ,who can identify 1000 kind of voices from 1000 different sources"
6. Write Diary or blog
Writing and reading is the best way to enhance one's capabilities. I didn't mention reading here beacuse writing involves both the processes. You write and then read . If you can manage writing your personal diary , it would be best but if not, you can go with writing a blog at blogger, wordpress or any platform you like.
The sole aim of it is to exercise your mental facility to gain maximum strengths in your nerves .
As you write, you memorise words and their correct uses and put them in place. You use your hand also to hold pen and making correct alphabets. As we practice writing ,our hand writing improves , indicating formtion of efficient brain map.
7. Play mental games
I remember, my grand mother was feeling hazy and forgetting things easily. I surfed across and found a mental games platform that target certain weak areas of brain.
She found it great and her memory sharpened in just 24 days.
There are many, you can find on google but i would like to suggest you Brainhq. It provides one free game daily , and that is enough for any normal being. You can also subscibe it. Brainhq games are based on scientific study and are really helpful for anyone of any age.
You can also try chess or running games like subway surfer where you have to make rapid decisions ,forcing your brain to make fast decisions.
8.Eat laughter medicine
Laughter is the best medicine. You may be on bed or worried but you won't have to pay anything to smile and laugh. Our brain releases dopamine as we laugh and mitigates the depression.
"It takes 43 muscles to laugh , 10 to frown and 3 to cry."
So ,live happily and smile daily.
9.Go slow but continuous
It becomes important for anyone to not forget the "use it or lose it " principle. When you do the above told 8 points daily ,you will find sea change in your brain. Your brain will become faster and you will be taking better decisions.
But if you don't follow these things, the weaker areas maps will just expand and the brain map areas of other stronger areas won't improve further. As I told, improvement in brain works on ripple effect. Many improvements happening at the same time.
So practice these basic things daily ,and there will be sure shot improvement. To add further improvements in your brain ,you can begin learning a new language or new instrument.
10. Motivation beats defeat
Last but not the least. It begins with the inner heat and fought with motivation. You should never let the thought of defeat or no improvement ever overpower your ambition of curing brain disease stigma. It is very much possible to throw away the weak sectors of brain and grow the tree with hardest roots of strengths.
Never forget
"Success belongs to those who believes in the beauty of their dreams."
Brain 🧠Game Recommendations
Whenever I come across people suffering from mental dementia, brain hemorrhage or brain tumour, I hope I can make some good changes in their life. One of the good change can be making them aware about the power of this small brain. I feel ,it is good if one takes some time to explore the organ which he uses the most.
If you want to explore more about human brain and its potential . I would like to suggest you two books from my book shelf.
I adore both these books and had been of immense help for me.
1. "The brain that changes itself" written by Norman Doidge (Doctor of medicine M.D.)
2. "Can't hurt me" written by David Goggins (US Navy Seal)
Both these books have taught me , a great fundamental of life
Listen this blog post here 👈
And never worry, if you can't find these books , drop me a message in comment box or in contact form. I will send you their e-book in your e-mail or telegram for free.(We take care of our readers always.)